Campbell’s Visit to Switzerland.
The fantastic view from Campbell’s bedroom!
The Wengen Holland Cup winners
The first round game against Cadder took place on Tuesday 9 January. Despite winning six out of the eight ends played, Bearsden came second in the 10 – 8 game. Sounds like a good effort by our team. Thanks to Simon, Peter, John and Alan for representing us.
Arrangements are in place to organise Rinks for the forthcoming season. Rink Team Sheets are being prepared and members will be asked to confirm availability for the dates allocated to us. Ross has also put out a call for the Opening Bonspiel Friday, September 22, 2023 18:00 2 rinks Greenacres Opening Bonspiel
This week saw both Simon and Ross compete in their respective rinks in the Qualifying Rounds for the Scottish National Masters. This was held at Greenacres over 7 – 9 November. The Finals will take place on 1 – 4 February, again at Greenacres. Simon was playing in the Gillespie Rink alongside Ian Gillespie, They…
Hugh McLean has been awarded an MBE for services to the community in Oban and Lorn. Well deserved. Congratulations!
A good way to finish the curling season is to PARTY……… this can be done at a Ceilidh being held by the RCCC Ladies Branch (Greeenacres) on Saturday 18 May at 7.00pm. The well known ceilidh band, Clamjamfrie, will get the toes tapping and everyone up on the dance floor. A supper will be included…
On Tuesday night we had a very close first five ends in our game against Bearsden Ski Club. However, inthe last two ends we managed to come to the fore finishing with a 10 – 5 win. Well done Ross, Simon, Alan and Alison. Keep going strong!!