Revised 21st April 2006, further revised 25th April 2014 & 25th October2016)
1. Name of the Club
The name of the Club shall be “Bearsden Curling Club”, hereinafter referred to as “The Club”.
2. Objects of The Club
The objects of The Club shall be to promote the sport of curling and to provide opportunities for social meetings in a curling context. The Club is formed in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club.
3. Membership
1) Any person desirous of participating in the sport of curling will be considered for membership. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents of Bearsden and Milngavie Areas.
2) The membership of The Club will consist of Honorary, Playing (which category shall include Reserves), Youth and Non-playing Members. The Committee shall have the power to propose the appointment of Honorary Members for approval at an Annual General Meeting.
3) Youth Membership is open to those over 18 years of age and who have not reached their 28th Birthday by 1st September. Youth Members will not be required to pay Club and RCCC membership subscriptions, the latter being paid on their behalf by The Club. Youth Members will be required to pay ice money in the same way as Playing Members. The number of Youth Members in any one year will be limited to ten.
4) Only Playing Members, on payment of the full Annual Playing Members Subscription, will have a voice in running The Club.
5) Prospective Playing Members and Youth Members shall apply for membership in writing to the Secretary. Each applicant must be sponsored by two Playing Members. Applications must be approved by a simple majority of the Committee.
6) Any member resigning or wishing to change from one category of membership to another will do so in writing to the Secretary at least seven days prior to the Annual General Meeting.
7) The Committee will have the power to suspend any member when they consider it in the best interest of The Club.
4. Committee of Management
1) The affairs of The Club shall be controlled by the Committee.
2) The Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary and three Playing Members. Should the President hold office for only one year, he/she may also serve for one further year as Past President.
3) a) The President and Vice President shall be nominated by the Committee and be approved at the Annual General Meeting. They shall hold office for not more than two years in each post.
b) The Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.
c) Prospective Committee Members, having previously agreed to stand, must be nominated in writing to the Secretary by any Playing Member at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting. Only one nomination will be accepted for each candidate and only one nomination may be
made by any one Playing Member.
d) If necessary a ballot will be held at the Annual General Meeting to determine the Committee Members to serve for not more than three years, retiring by rotation, and not eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed.
4) A quorum will be four Committee Members present.
5) The Committee will appoint two representative members to the Royal Caledonian Curling Club Annual General Meeting and two representative members to the Province Annual General Meeting.
6) The Committee will appoint a Convenor to run each rink during the year. Convenors will hold office for one year and be eligible for re-appointment.
7) The Committee will meet as and when required and will keep proper accounts and minutes of their proceedings.
8) The Committee will have power to fill casual vacancies.
5. Rink Convenors
The Rink Convenors, appointed by the Committee, will be responsible for the management and selection of rinks during the curling season, the appointment of Skips for each game, a fair allocation of ice within the rink and the collection of ice dues when required.
6. Annual General Meeting
1) The Annual General Meeting will be held at a suitable time and place each year, after the curling season has ended and at least four weeks before the next curling season begins.
2) At least fourteen days notice will be given of an Annual General Meeting.
3) At least seven days notice in writing to the Secretary will be given of any motions to be put to the Annual General Meeting.
4) The Chairman at the Annual General Meeting will be the President or failing him/her the Vice President or failing him/her a member elected by those present. The Chairman at all meetings will have a casting vote.
5) A quorum will be twenty Playing Members present.
6) The business of the Annual General Meeting will be as follows:
1. Minutes of previous meeting
2. Remits from previous meeting
3. Reports from the Committee of Management
4. Reports on competitions
5. Report on finances
6. Motions proposed by Playing Members
7. Election of Members of Committee of Management
8. Review of entrance fees and annual subscriptions
9. Appointment of Independent Examiner
10. Any other competent business
7) The medals and trophies belonging to The Club will be exhibited at each Annual General Meeting.
7. Finances
1) Finances of The Club will be managed by the Treasurer subject to the control of the Committee.
2) Financial books of account will be kept and independently examined.
3) The Financial Year will be to 31st March or whatever other date may be approved by the Annual General Meeting as more convenient.
8. Competitions and Rules of Play
1) The Club will hold such competitions as may be proposed by members subject to acceptance by
the Committee. These competitions will be organised and controlled by the Committee.
2) The Rules of Play will conform to the Rules of Play as defined by the Royal Caledonian Curling
Club from time to time and any local rules as defined by the Committee of Management.
9. The Constitution
1) No new rule or alteration or repeal of an existing rule will be made unless at the Annual General Meeting or at a meeting specially convened for the purpose.
2) New rules, alterations and repeals of existing rules must be approved by two thirds of the members present at the meeting.
3) Notice of a new rule or alteration or repeal of an existing rule will be made at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
10. Special General Meetings
1) A Special General Meeting may be called at any time subject to due notice being given to members.
2) The Committee of Management or at least ten Playing Members must make a written request to the Secretary to call a Special General Meeting. A quorum will be twenty Playing Members present.
3) At least fourteen days notice must be given to members for all Special General Meetings and of motions to be put at such meetings.
11. Dissolution
1) A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting through a majority vote of the membership.
2) In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of The Royal Caledonian Curling Club or some other club, as determined by the membership, with similar objectives to those of Bearsden Curling Club.