Some definitions first –

Playing Member – a Club member who has elected to play on a regular basis and is allocated to a Rink for a season.

Reserve – the Club retains a list of Reserve players. These are Playing Members who are not allocated to any specific Rink but may be called on by Skips to ensure a Rink has 4 players for a given match. A Reserve is usually unable to commit to regular play but is happy to assist Convenors if they are available to play on a given occasion.

Substitute – a Playing Member who is called on by a Convenor to ensure a team has 4 players for a given match. A Substitute is usually required where there is a shortage (eg due to illness or holidays). In the first instance the Substitute is drawn from the Rink pool of members but if need be from the wider Club membership.

Convenor – a Club member who has responsibility for organising a Rink and specifically the allocation of 4 players for each match. They are also responsible for ensuring that each Rink member and any Reserves or Substitutes make appropriate payment for the games they have played throughout the season.

Skip – a Playing Member who is designated as Rink captain for a given match. The Skip is usually the most experienced player (although there are exceptions eg the Frame Cup).

Rink – Curling’s name for a team.

Questions and Answers

Q1 What will happen to me now that I have joined?

A1 You will choose to be a Playing Member or a Reserve. As a Playing Member you will be assigned to a Rink to play in club competitions.

If you choose to be a reserve, you will be added to the pool of reserve players. When rinks find themselves short of players they call on the reserves. Therefore as a reserve you may receive a request to play and if you are available then you agree to help them out.

Q2 How are Club games organised?

A2 Club games are organised around 4 competitions, as described within the ‘Our Competitions‘ page. Each Rink will play approximately 26 games in club competitions through the course of a season. The aim is to have 8 members in a Rink so that, playing in teams of 4, each member has approximately 13 games in club competitions. Each Rink has a Convenor, or team captain, who will select teams based on the availability of the members. WhatsApp Groups are used by the Club and individual Rinks to keep members informed of games and any organisational changes.

Q3 When are games played?

A3 Our games are generally played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays with daytime and evening sessions to cater for those in full time employment and those who prefer to avoid or cannot play in evenings.

Q4 Who organises the Club games?

A4 Games are organised by the Match Convenor. The teams to play in the competition games are organised by the Rink Convenor. The Rink Convenor will ask the Rink Members for their availability and ask them to commit to an agreed schedule of games.

Q5 What happens if I’m ill and can’t play?

A5 If you can’t play for whatever reason you should contact your Rink Convenor and team Skip as soon as possible through the Rink WhatsApp group and seek a Substitute replacement from your Rink. Should a Substitute replacement not be available you should contact the reserves. If reserves are not available you should put out a general request through the Club WhatsApp Group.

Q6 Can I play for other teams if they are short of a player?

A6 Yes you can.

Q7 How many games should I commit to take part in?

A7 You should only commit to the number of games that you feel comfortable with. If there are vacant slots in the Rink playing schedule the Rink Convenor will seek to fill them from the Reserve pool. A good target is 10 to 15 games.

Q8 Who will decide which position (ie lead, second, third or skip) I should play?

A8 The Rink Convenor will select the team and playing positions for each game. The selection will be made based on playing ability and the preferences of individual players.

Q9 Apart from a membership fee how do I pay for each game?

A9 The club receives a discount from the ice rink if ice fees are paid in advance. Therefore, the club asks members for advance payment for games to be played. This is done in two stages. A first invoice is issued in September for approximately half of the scheduled games and a second invoice in December to cover the remaining games that members have committed to.

Q10 Can I join the Club and just be a Reserve?

A10 Yes you can. On the occasions that you play you should pay the appropriate ice fees to the team skip.

Q11 If I am down to play and something comes up at home (e.g. llness) what do I need to do?

A11 Same process as for Q5 above.

Q12 How is the Club run?

A12 The Club is run under the terms of the Club Constitution and under the guidance of Scottish Curling. Day to day running of the club is managed by the Club Committee headed by the Club President. Details are given on the Our Constitution‘ website page.

Q13 Is there coaching available within the Club?

A13 The Club does have qualified coaches and informal coaching sessions can be provided. Formal coaching sessions can be arranged through the Ice Rink

Q14 Can I join more than one curling club?

A14 Yes you can join as many clubs as you want. One club should be selected as you mother club through which Ice Rink and Scottish Curling affiliation fees are paid.

Q15 Does the Club use car-sharing?

A15 The club does use car sharing on and ad-hoc basis.