Gateways Success!!
On Saturday 2 March Bearsden members met Gateway members in a friendly match at Greenacres, with the aim of a fun game and potential recruitment of new Bearsden club members.
We were introduced by Emily to her fellow Gateway members Ross Wilson, Graeme Lashley, Bernard Healy and Eli Lai (who currently subs for Bearsden). Our members – Ross, John, Alison and Emily endeavoured to give the Gateway players a good game, however their accuracy defeated us and they went on to win the game 9 – 3.
Well curled by Gateway members and we wish both Emily and Ross every success when they represent Glasgow Gateway at the National Gateway Challenge being held in Edinburgh on 23 March 2024. Good curling stones to you both.
All Gateway members will be assured of a warm welcome should they decide to join Bearsden CC, especially after experiencing the standard of play!!!